How I celebrate two different holidays.


Two holidays that I celebrate are Easter and  Melbourne Cup.  


We celebrate Christmas like most of you but it is different in Australia. It is different because it is super hot on Christmas. On Christmas we go to my aunt and uncles house for lunch. They serve lots of food that my uncle made because you should never let my aunt cook. After lunch we do something called a Kris Kringle. Kris Kringle is where you buy a present for someone but don’t say it is from you. My uncles brother always dresses up as Santa with thongs and looks silly.

We celebrate Easter by going to Bright camping ground with our family and friends. We go every year and instead of staying in a tent we stay in cabin. My aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, and cousin all go with us. In he cabin there are bunks and I have to sleep on the middle one while my brother sleeps on the bottom one. On Easter Day we do a egg where every one have to bring a certain type of chocolate egg. At the end the eggs get split up equally. 

What holidays do you celebrate?

2 thoughts on “How I celebrate two different holidays.

  1. Dear, Millie

    I do celebrate Christmas and Easter and many other holidays. At Christmas, we don’t do secret Santa but my old school did. It is called secret Santa in the USA. Secret Santa is the same thing as Kris Kringle just different words. At Christmas time it is cold to were my dad can make snow. And my family gets together on Christmas day and everyone brings food. Do you like it hot in the winter or cold? My blog


    1. Dear Priscilla,

      I used to live in the U.S.A and we did call it secret Santa. I enjoy the hot weather now because we have a pool. But, last year we didn’t have a pool and it was so hot at one point I didn’t have a fan and I nearly fainted. I enjoy the cold and snow better because I can ski and make snow man. Do you enjoy the snow?


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